Meet The Team

Lori Caldarone, RDH BS

Lori has been practicing dental hygiene for more than 30 years in Massachusetts. She is in charge of our preventive and periodontal maintenance programs. She will perform your routine recall visits every three, four, or six months, and take necessary X-rays. And nag you about flossing.

Lori is committed not only to keeping your mouth clean but identifying and preventing future problems. She will make suggestions to improve your home care and may advise and perform scaling, root planing, or other therapy to ensure your teeth will have the proper support for a lifetime of use.

When she isn't banishing plaque and calculus, or nagging about flossing…well, let’s be honest, she’s always nagging about flossing. Lori uses her creative outlets as a member of the garden club. She is an outdoors and fitness buff and participates in all kinds of workouts, although she remains unsuccessful at convincing Dr. Casiglia to do yoga.


Deya Payan RDH BS

Raised in the Dominican Republic, Deya moved to Lynn to complete her high school. After some time as a medical assistant and advancing her education, she graduated from the Forsyth School of dental hygiene. She is the first in her family to complete college! She may be diminutive, but she is ruthlessly efficient at destroying heavy build-up on your teeth. And her soft voice will make you feel all the guiltier for not flossing. When she isn’t giving your smile the ol’ spit-and-polish (with your spit, that is), she enjoys being active with her family, church, and yoga.


Nichole Cohen

Nichole is Dr. Casiglia’s assistant and keeper of keys at Hogwarts…err, the office. Aside from making sure patients are comfortable and don’t drown in their own saliva, she ensures the staff have everything they need to treat patients. And at least one staff member is pretty needy, but we won’t name names. Nichole helps manage inventory and the entire back end of the office. She knows where everything is when Dr. Casiglia can’t find it, which is a majority of the time. When not chairside, she assists at the front of the office, and her calm and reassuring nature helps nervous patients through involved procedures. Dealing with the doctor, her young son, and her bengal cat have given her great patience and a sense of humor.


Dr. William F. White (deceased)

Dr. White received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Michigan in 1961. He founded and maintained this private practice on Essex Street in Salem, Massachusetts until 2006.

Though Dr. White was a talented dentist, his bedside manner is what earned him great renown. He was a true gentleman: he always had a firm handshake for the men and a suitable compliment for the ladies. Even the most fearful patients would leave with smiles on their faces once they experienced his gentle touch. With a memory like a steel trap, he could always recall your vacation, promotion, or grandchild's birth, even if it had been years since your last visit. He was a man of wit and great compassion for his patients and everyone he met.

For many individuals, Dr. White was the only dentist they ever knew. He passed away in the fall of 2007. He is greatly missed and will always be a part of our office.


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    8:00am - 6:00pm
    8:00am - 6:00pm